PROFILE: Mr. Brooks was the son-in-law of T.L “Dad” Weaver, an admired race track official and executive. He passed away in 1959. Brooks was added to the PIONEER section in 1979.

HISTORY: John Brooks became St. Petersburg Kennel Club President in 1952. He was the second Derby Lane president. Known throughout the industry for his honesty, integrity and ability to appreciate the roles of kennel owners, breeders, etc., Brooks served several terms as president for the American Greyhound Track Owners Association. At the time of his death he was chairman of the board of the AGTOA.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: To a great extent John Brooks’s foresight and effort was what made Derby Lane one of the leaders in the industry. He was instrumental in promoting such innovations as racings first concrete and steel grandstand, the building of the first inside lure and the financing of research leading to the invention and building of the Walter Knights foolproof flip-top starting box which is now used worldwide.