PROFILE: Mr. Shugart was one of the first importers of Australian greyhounds. In 1979, when Shugart was added to the PIONEER section of the Greyhound Hall of Fame he and his wife lived in Manhattan, Kansas.

HISTORY: H.W. Shugart owned his first greyhound in 1938. During his first meet Shugart won the Sapling Consolation with H.W’s Blackout, his first greyhound. Shugart studied the Australian greyhounds thoroughly and decided to import some. Tumble Bug was the first Australian he imported in 1948. Over the years Shugart has imported about 150 greyhounds-some of these for other breeders. One of his famous imports has to be Tell You Why who is now enshrined into the Greyhound Hall of Fame for his stud accomplishments. Shugart was responsible for many imports including; Sky Jet, Metal Jet, Rocket Fire, Cleveland Lad and Air Patrol. From 1950 until 1965 Shugart was in the stud business providing a variety to the breeders.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Mr. Shugart changed the entire complexion of the American Greyhound breed with his importation of greyhounds from Australia and Ireland. Shugart was always busy importing greyhounds for others and consulting with many others. At one time, H.W. Shugart’s library of stud books was probably the largest in this country. Mr. Shugart would, in later years (1981) be enshrined into the Greyhound Hall of Fame section also.