PROFILE: Tubby Weaver was born at Weaver Spur, LA in 1903. Weaver was born into the greyhound industry; his father was the founder of the Derby Lane Kennel Club. Tubby Weaver passed away in 1968. In 1981 A.V Weaver was added to the PIONEER section. Tubby Weaver’s son A.V Jr. is currently serving as president of Derby Lane.

HISTORY: Tubby Weaver was a member of the famous Weaver family, which built Derby Lane Kennel Club into one of the most prestigious racing operations in the world. Weaver’s father T.L “Dad” Weaver founded the racetrack in 1926. A.V Weaver learned every part of the racetrack operation before he served as vice-president in 1932.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Tubby Weaver served as vice-president of Derby Lane from 1932-1959, as president from 1959-1968 and as a member of the Board of Directors from 1932-1968. Weaver’s son A.V Jr. was president in 1981. Thanks to the entire Weaver family Derby Lane holds a position as one of the most respected racetracks in the world for its beauty, operation, continued success and excellent relationships with its participating kennel owners.